Design your life to include more money, health and happiness with less stuff, space and energy.

Design your life to include more money, health and happiness with less stuff, space and energy.

This Hamster Should Win Nobel Prize in Economics

The Impossible Hamster is one of the most articulate treatises on economic growth and resource depletion we’ve ever seen.

At LifeEdited, we try to stay happily apolitical. We think living a less, but better way of life has self-evident benefits. Our lives are simpler, less expensive, more manageable and so on.

But there are global benefits as well. Not to over-simplify a complicated topic, but if every member of the world’s population started lining up his and her consumer behavior with actual needs and priorities, we might start a course-correction from the current trajectory of economic and environmental meltdown. The model of never-ending growth of consumption–whether that takes the form of consumer goods or housing or natural resources–will, in all probability, lead to a situation as dangerous as a 9 billion ton hamster.