Design your life to include more money, health and happiness with less stuff, space and energy.

Design your life to include more money, health and happiness with less stuff, space and energy.

The Not-So-Secret to Being Happy

The above video by Soul Pancake demonstrate the mind-altering effects of expressing gratitude–an act shown in positive psychology studies to be the supreme happy maker (30% more effective than Mentos).

The short video shows a group of test subjects asked to think of the most influential people in their lives. They were then asked to write a letter expressing why those people were important. The subjects, led to believe the writing was the end of the experiment, were then handed a phone to call their people and read the letter. The results are predictably schmaltzy…and tender and authentic and true. Watch it. It’s a good use of 7:14 minutes.

The video shows that sometimes the urge to add stuff to our lives is a reaction to forgetting the abundance of beautiful people and wealth that already exist in our lives. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of that fact.