Design your life to include more money, health and happiness with less stuff, space and energy.

Design your life to include more money, health and happiness with less stuff, space and energy.

Drier Hair, Fresher Food

These plastic doohickies might look like shower caps, but they are actually designed to protect food. Just slip them over plates, platters or any other container, and you have a food-preserving cover. Many of the companies that make them use breathable plastic to maintain moisture without spoilage.

We like these simple and reusable covers for a number of reasons. First, the safety of most plastic leftover containers is suspect; these allow you to use your chemically stable ceramic and glass dishes and containers. Next, using plastic wrap is often as cumbersome as it is wasteful; how many times have you wrapped and re-wrapped a dish only to have a pretty crummy seal? Last, these covers turn the containers we already have into food storage. (As a bonus, they’d probably make adequate shower caps).

There are a number of manufactures offering these covers on Amazon. Most are under $15 and include several sizes for various containers.